what is shaping travel for 2025?
There is so many Travel Trends I can write about but that would all year just for them to change all over again. because when they say history has a way of repeating its self that must be true especially when one of my top five is Nostalgic Travel Options is on the rise. #1 - Nostalgic Travel What is Nostalgia and how does it fit in to Travel? well when I done this as on of my Essays I had no clue I will be honest and that is not because I didn't know what it was its because I couldn't see how they went together but I was wrong. Very wrong in fact because Nostalgia is much more than sentimental longing its more needing to feel the way you did when you first visited your favourite holiday destination or hearing that one song that takes you back to road trips with that certain person. Its visiting places where your favourite film was filmed this is definitely a big one for me as I love Harry Potter and on my list of places I want to go to is Dobby's grave located in Wales a...